We are a team of ambitious, confident students eager to make a name for ourselves in the field of seismic engineering, embracing our greatest challenge yet: the Seismic Design Competition. As engineers and architects, united by our passion for both science and art, we are driven by the dynamic interplay of this project’s stages—from concept to execution—blending knowledge of structures, architecture, economics, and innovation. It is an honor for us to represent the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca this year in the university’s 15th consecutive participation in the competition, and we strive to meet the high standards set by previous teams. With this in mind, we are confident that in March, at the 22nd edition of the Seismic Design Competition, our hard work will translate into a successful outcome, continuing the tradition of excellence and achievement!
Representing the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, we aim to promote seismic engineering as a means of communication between humans and the natural forces that govern the laws and principles of our unpredictable world. Motivated and enthusiastic, we begin writing the 15th chapter of this story—a story about and for unconventional heroes, architects, and engineers who join forces for a common cause: the commitment to upholding the high standards set by previous teams, with the pride and prestige they have brought to our country year after year.
Sunt recunoscător pentru ceea ce au reușit să construiască toate edițiile SDC UTCN în ultimii 15 ani. Noi, echipa SDC 2025, alături de partenerii care ne-au fost mereu alături, avem încredere că vom reuși să ne situăm din nou pe podium și să demonstrăm că suntem o echipă motivată, unită și perseverentă. Suntem gata să transformăm ambiția în victorie!
Cosmin Chiforescu – căpitanul echipei SDC UTCN 2025