The international hall of research, innovation and inventions “Pro Invent” is an event that gathers together passionate students, creative persons and innovative firms. The event, that has reached its XVIth edition is organized by The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. This year the hall took place in the iconic building “Sports Hall” of Cluj-Napoca.
The exposed inventions are unusual, such as a robotic arm that imitates your moves, a “smart” trash bin or a chair that tells you if you are not sitting in the right position. Our seismic resilient structures were also a point of interest for the visitors. We presented a hologram with the structural behaviour of a building during an earthquake. During the ProInvent Hall we had the chance to publicly present our project in front of a generous audience.
As expected, we have successfully tested a balsa model of our structure to several earthquakes and explained the stages of the competition we’re competing in.